How Often Should a Vacuum Be Cleaned?

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As if your list of tasks needed an additional thing to be added, the to clean vacuum cleaner requires some attention. While you may believe they can only take up dirt and dust, vacuums can hold onto lots of mold and germs.

Real Simple’s 2008 study found that 50% of the common household vacuum cleaners were contaminated with Fecal matter. Every vacuum had mold, and 13 percent of them even contained E coli bacteria inside the bristles of their brush.

Your list of things to do might have shifted a little bit after you realized you need to clean vacuum.

Additionally, the emissions into the air are more uncomfortable, particularly for people suffering from allergies. Researchers wrote in the 2013 study, “Our results demonstrate that, although vacuum operations are typically short, the vacuum’s emissions could release large quantities of human-derived bacteria. The emissions can result in the exposure to allergenic or infectious aerosols.”

The Vacuum Experts suggest that the buildup within the appliance functions similarly to the accumulation of plaque on teeth. The less you scrub it clean, the more rapidly it gets accumulated.

All the particles and dirt could also wear out the motor and belt of your vacuum, making it harder to clean effectively. The outlet further notes that if you do not clean your vacuum regularly, it can reduce its ability to clean up lint and dirt. Naturally, there’s more to vacuum cleaning beyond the basic requirements.

After Every Use: Clean Your Brushes and Bristles.

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After each use, examine all bristles and the brushes to ensure that there isn’t any trapped debris or hair stuck on the bristles. If you notice string or hair around the brush, don’t pull it off: Use scissors to trim it instead. Then, spray the brushes using a spray for disinfection to clean them.

After Every Few Uses: Clean the Vacuum Canister.

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According to Vacuum Experts, instead of allowing the canister of your vacuum to fill to the top, consider emptying it every time you utilize it. At a minimum, “empty the vacuum after it’s between half and two-thirds of full in a routine,” a Vacuum Experts blog post suggests.

This way, you’ll clear away any bacteria or germs before they’ve had time to take over the vacuum. By emptying the canister, you’ll be boosting the performance of your vacuum.

Each Month, at Least Once: Check and Soak the Filters.

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Although cleaning your vacuum filters needs to be an integral part of your routine for the year, they should be checked more often, like every month.

Review the instruction manual for your vacuum to determine the location of each filter and how to remove it properly. If you can wash it, take it out, shake it and rinse it under cool, running water. Lay it out and let it completely dry.

From 12 to 18 Months: Clean Your Vacuum Deeply.

Although you should clean your parts frequently, Vacuum Experts suggest it’s best practice to remove the entire vacuum and scrub it down yearly. You’ll need an air compressor, hot water, dish soap, and a clean brush in order to complete this.

Begin by disassembling every part; wash the canister, or any other parts that can be washed, such as attachments. Give them a nice scrub, then let them fully dry before returning the parts.

After that, use the compressed air canister to remove any debris or dust hiding in the vacuum’s nooks and crevices. Be sure to clean the outside of the unit with a cleaning cloth.

Every Decade: Replace Your Vacuum

Unsurprisingly, a study released in Environmental Science & Technology found that the more time a vacuum has been in use, the more harmful pollutants it releases.

This means that if you’ve got an old-fashioned vacuum from your grandmother, you should probably throw it out. It.

As per Consumer Reports, vacuums last an average of eight years. But if you follow the tips above and maintain your vacuum, you’ll be able to extend its life to the 10-year mark.

If not, you’ll be carrying 10-year-old dirt all over your home.

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