Alternative Vacuum Cleaner Usages

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Do you have your vacuum getting dusty in an unattractive closet? Perhaps your vacuum resides in a closet that only sees sunlight twice a month for a small amount of time. When do you tell your children to complete their chores? Invisible and out of mind, isn’t it? This is quite typical.

What do you think if we said there are myriad innovative ways to use your vacuum? We’ve discovered some additional ways to use one of the most neglected tools in your home cleaning arsenal.

Alternative Usages

1. Baseboards 


Are your hardworking baseboards looking a little neglected? Use the brush attachment to clean the boards and watch them shine. It’s incredible how much difference clean baseboards can make to the look of a space. 

Window casings and sills Similar to your baseboards and banisters, where dust also accumulates, however, you’re prepared to handle this now.

2. Mattresses 

This is a fact. Mattresses can be cleaned by vacuuming, but it’s not as difficult as it may sound. You’re well-equipped with a few deodorizing sprays and your trusted vacuum attachments!

3. Exert Insect Control

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A study from Ohio State University shows that regular vacuuming kills the flea population by 96 percent (adult or larvae) within the home.

A vacuum can also be an excellent method to eliminate dust mites and the human skin cells they consume from mattresses.

A crevice and vacuum hose tool is also excellent for capturing insects like mosquitoes and spiders that gather in the ceiling’s corners. When the insects have gone, you can attach a clean white cloth to the tool using the help of a rubber band to keep dust and cobwebs.

4. To Prevent House Fires

Utilizing a vacuum cleaner is an ideal method of removing any excess lint that is a major cause of fires in homes in your dryer vents and the dryer itself.

Unplug the dryer before turning off your gas supply if you have one, and then you can employ the crevice tool to get to the venting area and under the appliance. If you’re skilled, you can open the dryer’s exterior housing and vacuum out any lint or debris trapped.

5. Reduce Indoor Allergens

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Make sure that window sills are kept clean and keep the crevices that separate windows and screens from accumulating allergens and dust by cleaning regularly.

Use an attachment for the dust brush to clean screen doors and windows and eliminate dust and pollen. Don’t forget to give your drapes or window treatments a good go-over.

6. Computer Keyboards

Computer keyboards usually require a thorough cleaning occasionally, but it is sometimes necessary to wash off the crumbs and dust from one of our work lunches. A vacuum cleaner will be of great help to you with this task.

Household plants, also known as indoor plants, require you to water them, provide them with enough sunshine, and say good things about them. Every occasionally, they will need their large beautiful, gorgeous leaves cleaned with a vacuum.

7. Freshen up Your Pillows, Upholstery, and Carpets

Beyond getting rid of dust, dirt, crumbs, and sand, Your vacuum and baking soda will do wonders to eliminate unpleasant odors and brighten the fabric. 

Sprinkle baking soda evenly on upholstery, throw pillows, and carpets. Apply it lightly using an aqueous sponge or mop.

Let the baking soda stay on the surfaces for at least an hour, then vacuum it off. You’ll be amazed by how brighter fabrics appear because the slight roughness of baking soda aids in the removal of soil while the vacuum moves it away.

8. Recover Small Items

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Take your vacuum if you’ve dropped anything small, like an earring, nail, or screw on a difficult-to-move object. Put a piece of mesh or old pantyhose to the edge of the crevice tool using the help of a rubber band. 

Find the lost object, and the suction created by the vacuum will bind it to the mesh, and you can recover it.

9. Trap Dust Before Spreading

Use the vacuum brush for dust attachment to collect dust from lampshades and books, as well as blinds, lighting fixtures, and even leaves of plants, before doing any other cleaning. Cleaning the dust first can prevent streaks and smears.

10. Clean Kitchen Appliances

The vacuum you are using will not be able to remove the fridge from its contents or get grease off cooking surfaces; however, it will help you with your kitchen. In each instance, always disconnect the appliance before beginning any task.

  • Use an air vacuum to clean dust from the condenser and the refrigerator’s coils. The refrigerator will run more efficiently and will stay lower and more steady.
  • Make sure to clean the spaces between counters and appliances with the tool to clean crevices. Controlling crumbs can help to prevent the spread of insects.
  • Avoid small sparks from exploding by using the vacuum to eliminate the crumbs from toasters that are not plugged and toaster ovens.
  • After you’ve completed the automatic oven cleaning cycle, utilize the vacuum to trap any leftover ash.

Banisters Dust prefers to hide in the tiny spaces between the rails of your stairs when you walk by it every day and think, “I need to clean that… next time.” Don’t delay until the next day. Grab that vacuum and get rid of the dust.

Is crown molding causing the cobwebs within the corner of the seldom frequented dining area to invade your home? Get rid of the webs and clean your dining space using the vacuum you have used for years.

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